Feeling Lonely?
Let's be honest: we are currently experiencing an epidemic of loneliness.
In almost every 1:1 session I hold, clients express feeling disconnected, feeling isolated, and craving more connection. But, they're unsure of how to access that when managing symptoms, keeping up with daily acts of living, and dealing with health challenges has kept them from building the relationships they desire.
Let's start to soften this experience, as a community, and tap on some of the feelings that might be coming up.
By honoring, validating, and making space to be completely honest with your experience, a beautiful thing happens: you then have a new found perspective to take aligned action to gently move in a more supportive direction.
You have to know where you are and where you want to go: the stuff in the middle only requires you take the smallest and most loving step that matches the desired outcome.
At first, it might be as simple as sending a few texts of making a few calls to reconnect with those you love.
As your confidence and capability expands, you might feel ready to meet up with friends and loved ones in person, hosting a tea party, having a potluck...
Before you know it, the community and connection you've been craving starts to blossom.
After tapping along, do any new thoughts, feelings, or bodily sensations arise?