Coping Mechanisms

  • Screen Addiction

    We live in funny times.

    Social media can be an exciting place for finding recipes, seeing neat photos, finding new "health"& fashion information, watching piglets cuddle with kittens, staying connected with internet friends, following inspiring "influencers" ... It can also be a platform that cr...

  • Binge Eating

    Anyone that's dealt with binge eating knows how debilitating, isolating, and shameful it can feel.

    Especially when we know it doesn't feel good but we've already passed the point of no return. It feels like we JUST. CAN'T. STOP.

    Learning to trust the body and honor that it actually might need...

  • Compulsive Habits & Addictions

    You know that thing that you keep doing, even when you know you don't want to keep doing it?

    It might be compulsively checking your instagram, picking your face, eating when you don't even feel hungry...

    It might be compulsively assuming the worst-case scenario, ordering things you don't need, ...