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Tap-alongs • 13m

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  • Acne

    Acne can be aggravating.

    It can make us feel overwhelmed, self conscious, hopeless about the state of our health...but does it have to?

    Use this video whenever you symptoms associated with breakouts, rashes, eczema flares, etc.

    As always, curious how this one goes! After tapping, how do you f...

  • Doing Less to Heal

    For those of you that feel overwhelmed with your current healing protocol, I had you in mind while filming this one.

    I know it can feel like nothing is working and how overwhelming the constant effort to feel better can be.

    Without even realizing, our attempts to heal become the biggest stres...

  • Fear of Getting Better

    Some of you have mentioned that despite wanting nothing more than to feel better, there's fear of responsibility and expectations increasing if you were to suddenly be seen as fully functional and completely capable.

    Will I have to work a job I don't like?

    Will I suddenly have to live in a way ...