Complete Collection

Complete Collection

Complete Collection
  • Permission to Enjoy

    This group workshop starts with some guided visualization work and then flows into conversation about embodiment, choosing the most compassionate path, and ends with a tapping sequence pulling from aspects of the conversation.

    Jump to 1:11 to jump straight into tapping!

  • Relief from Catastrophizing

    Catastrophizing might be so common for you that you barely realize what is happening: assuming the worst-case scenario and thinking of all the ways things could get even worse.

    Throw in a chronic symptom as the trigger for worst-case scenario loops and you might find yourself spiraling more ofte...

  • Transforming Jealousy

    Jealousy: what a cringy and complex human emotion.

    Maybe you get triggered by your friends and get stuck in a comparison loop.

    Maybe you get triggered by someone you see on social media and feel flooded by feelings of envy and lack.

    Or perhaps you get triggered by a family member, thinking o...

  • NSDR for Busy Minds

    Use this NSDR whenever you feel wired but tired, exhausted and overwhelmed, or caught in a loop of worrisome thinking.

  • Preparing for Surgery

    You're at the point where you've scheduled the surgery, the date is coming up, and you're feeling a little shaky in your boots.

    That's to be expected.

    Let's tap through any doubt, fear, worry, worst-case scenario thinking and let the body move through the discomfort to a place of confidence, pe...

  • Fear of Conflict

    Perhaps you shut down and try to avoid conflict.

    Maybe you avoid hard conversations at all costs. Or, when they do come up, you find yourself doubting your ability to speak up for yourself, question if you have the right to do so, and get caught in regret of what you wish said, what you wish you...

  • Severe Food Reactions

    Having a mild tummy ache and some bloating is one thing. Having a life-threatening reaction to a previously safe food is an entirely differently experience.

    If you're feeling trapped, overwhelmed, terrified to add foods back in and frustrated with how limited your list of "safe foods" has become...

  • Food Anxiety

    Food anxiety and all that it emcompasses can take some time to unpack.

    If you haven't already done so, take the time to tap along to "Food Fears."

    Consider this Part 2 of addressing any lingering concerns about trusting yourself with food and moving through all of the dogma and fear-based condi...

  • Tapping for a Delightful Day

    Sometimes, it's not about actively fixing and healing ourselves to have a better day.

    It can be as simple as reinforcing what is already good, moving through the day with lightness, a bouncy ease, a delightful glow.

    Here's to allowing a magical day to emerge with a little extra boost from tappi...

  • Tinnitus Relief

    The experience of the symptom itself is one thing, then we have all the mental chatter, worries, what-ifs that bubble up as a response to dealing with something that doctors have yet to figure out.

    I know that so many of you are in this boat. As isolating and overwhelming as it truly is, I want ...

  • EFT for Stress & Overwhelm

    It's part of the human experience to feel stressed, to get overwhelmed, to feel tossed about by how much there is to do...and it never ends.

    While we can't get rid of the stress, nor would we want a life that is completely stress-free, we CAN change how we relate to stress. We can change how we ...

  • How to Believe Good Things are Coming

    A more open-ended group call, beginning with some guided visualization yoga nidra-esque work, flowing into conversation, then ending with a tapping sequence. Enjoy!

  • Letting Go

    If you're new to NSDR meditations, welcome!

    The studies on NSDR/yoga nidra are amazing, showing a replenishment of brain dopamine by up to 60% after passively listening to a guided session.

    What's also unique is the feeling of having slept an entirely full night of sleep even after 10-20 minute...

  • Tapping to Find Your Libido

    When you don't feel your best, it can be quite challenging to have the energy and motivation to want to connect on an intimate level.

    Some of you have expressed feeling guilt, shame, and frustration that you feel so disconnected from your body and your partner.

    Some of you have also expressed f...

  • 11 Minute NSDR

    I've been there, too...

    Even recently, I found myself thinking: I don't really have time to lay down and do a full NSDR.

    I think I'd rather watch an episode on Netflix instead of a NSDR tonight...

    The house is a mess: I "should" use this time to clean up a bit and I can do my NSDR another nigh...

  • There's nothing wrong with you

    I kid you not, "there's something wrong with me" and 'I'll never heal" were two of my own deeply ingrained stories and they come up every single week in client call.

    You don't have to believe me, but it is possible to fully question and release these stories. You might be surprised to eventuall...

  • Healthy Weight Loss

    Some of you have mentioned that you're wanting to shed some weight and simultaneously feeling uncertain about the process.

    Perhaps you're wondering if you'll "damage your metabolism," if you'll just gain it all back, if you should just accept the weight you're at and move on with your life feeli...

  • Taking a Break from Supplements

    So you'd love to take a break from all your supplements, or at least a handful of them... AND: you're scared of what might happen if you do.

    Perhaps your mind is painting vivid worst-case scenarios of what might happen and it's preventing you from taking the break that another part of you is cra...

  • Health Advice Paralysis

    With all of the conflicting advice in this wild world of wellness about the "root cause" and the "right" way to fix it, we can drive ourselves mad in an honest attempt to feel better.

    I know this feeling very well. Just putting myself back in that chapter of my own healing journey still makes my...

  • Worst Case Scenario & Healing Softly

    I love doing these group calls.

    It's truly an honor to continue unpacking these nuanced experiences that come up on this path of healing.

    Jump ahead to 1:17 for the tapping portion of the call.

    And if you couldn't attend live but have any questions after watching, drop them below!

  • Cleaning Overwhelm Rescue!

    Life is messy. Living a rich life is often messier.

    Andddd... having the energy, the time, the space, and the gusto to put things away can be downright paralyzing when the overwhelm around the matter starts to build.

    Let's release the overwhelm together and start chipping away at the mess, shal...

  • "It's out of my control"

    It can be SO overwhelming to try and control all of the crazy things we've been exposed to and continue to be assaulted by: conventional foods, the vaccines we got growing up, fragrances, tap water, plastics, moldy houses, EMFs, heavy metals, blue lights, canola oil, gums, preservatives, food add...

  • Winter Rescue

    Already anxious anticipating the not so lovely aspects of winter?

    Dreading the darkness, the cold, and wondering how you'll keep your spirits uplifted throughout this season?

    Let's tap on it!

    And while we're on the topic: are there aspects of winter that you genuinely DO look forward to? Share...

  • Tapping for Confidence

    Perhaps you've been collecting data as to why you are not worthy and don't deserve to feel confident.

    Perhaps you doubt yourself and always have.

    Maybe, you've always felt like you weren't very pretty, not very smart, not very capable, and don't feel surprised when your turned down from a job o...