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Loud Noises

Complete Collection • 11m

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  • Losing a Loved One

    We can't escape heartbreak and loss in this life, nor should we try.

    Knowing it's a part of life doesn't necessarily make loss any easier thought. It still requires processing and tenderness. This kind of heartbreak still requires time and care.

    Feeling the sadness that comes with losing someon...

  • Compulsive Habits & Addictions

    You know that thing that you keep doing, even when you know you don't want to keep doing it?

    It might be compulsively checking your instagram, picking your face, eating when you don't even feel hungry...

    It might be compulsively assuming the worst-case scenario, ordering things you don't need, ...

  • Releasing Anger

    If you feel like you have anger trapped in your body, it can help to acknowledge it's there and to honor that we can express and release anger in ways that are actually good for us!

    There's an idea that whatever we suppress goes into the basement and starts lifting weights.

    I imagine anger as t...