
  • Disagreements & Debates

    If you clicked on this video, you probably already have someone in mind that has a strong opinion that counters your own.

    Perhaps you feel attacked when conversations get heated. Maybe you feel riled up and uncomfortable because no matter what you do or say, you can't win.

    Maybe you start to re...

  • Feeling Lonely?

    Let's be honest: we are currently experiencing an epidemic of loneliness.

    In almost every 1:1 session I hold, clients express feeling disconnected, feeling isolated, and craving more connection. But, they're unsure of how to access that when managing symptoms, keeping up with daily acts of livi...

  • Transforming Jealousy

    Jealousy: what a cringy and complex human emotion.

    Maybe you get triggered by your friends and get stuck in a comparison loop.

    Maybe you get triggered by someone you see on social media and feel flooded by feelings of envy and lack.

    Or perhaps you get triggered by a family member, thinking o...

  • Fear of Conflict

    Perhaps you shut down and try to avoid conflict.

    Maybe you avoid hard conversations at all costs. Or, when they do come up, you find yourself doubting your ability to speak up for yourself, question if you have the right to do so, and get caught in regret of what you wish said, what you wish you...

  • Tapping to Find Your Libido

    When you don't feel your best, it can be quite challenging to have the energy and motivation to want to connect on an intimate level.

    Some of you have expressed feeling guilt, shame, and frustration that you feel so disconnected from your body and your partner.

    Some of you have also expressed f...

  • Healing the Abandonment Wound

    The fear of being abandoned and ending up alone/unloved is one that generally starts WAY back in childhood.

    It continues showing its face when deep down, we are scared to get too close to anyone out of fear of losing them.

    This shows up in subtle forms of self-sabotage, pulling away when others...

  • Learning to Trust Again

    After betrayal, it can feel difficult to trust others.

    Even in "safe" relationships, you might find yourself cautious, not completely sure that someone means what they say, perhaps concerned that with time, this person too will also betray you.

    If you're currently healing wounds of betrayal and...

  • Moving Through Social Anxiety

    When focusing on healing, the world outside of your comfort zone might start to feel scary.

    Even though you WANT to connect with friends and do things you did before you got "sick," it can feel overwhelming to think about social gatherings, leaving the house, making plans only to need to cancel ...

  • Releasing the Need to Change Your Partner

    You might notice that certain tendencies or habits that your partner has really get under your skin.

    You might find yourself wishing and wanting them to change, only to feel frustrated when they don't readily adopt your ideal habits.

    Sometimes it can feel like even when we point something out l...

  • Caring for Those with Chronic Illness

    Some of you are currently taking care of those with chronic illnesses and complicated symptoms.

    Coming from a place of love and wanting to relieve their suffering, it is easy to identify with their suffering and without realizing it, adding to the heightened sense of stress for both your loved o...

  • Tapping for Loneliness

    The last couple of years might've brought up intense feelings of loneliness, isolation, and feeling alone in the midst of trying to heal.

    If this resonates, I had you in mind while filming this simple eft sequence.

    I know firsthand that the brain likes to test us and challenge us with the op...

  • Tired of Being Single

    Afraid that you are destined to die alone because you just haven't found that person that makes the world slip away?

    Do you find yourself worried and thinking that there must be something wrong with you and THAT'S preventing you from finding love?

    Maybe you feel that no one could possibly love ...

  • How to Not Take On Other People's Moods

    Maybe you find yourself exhausted around certain people.

    Or maybe your partner or loved one: when they are in a grumpy, negative, angry, or dysregulated state, you can't help but feel dragged down by their energy.

    There's a difference between feeling empathy for someone going through a hard ti...

  • Support for People Pleasers

    It comes from a beautiful place: you've learned to put the needs of others before your own to make sure everyone around you feels taken care of and safe.

    However, this pattern can quickly become overwhelming when you find yourself saying yes to requests when your heart wants to do the opposite. ...

  • Choosing Connection

    Some of you may have learned that you couldn't co-regulate with your caregivers at a very early age: they weren't reliable or consistent, so you had to "survive" in other ways.

    This coping pattern can turn into avoidance, self-isolation, shutting down, and even dissociating from our experience...

  • Creating Healthy Boundaries

    In learning to honor what we need to feel grounded, we can then show up for our lives and for the ones we love from a place of strength, energy, and enthusiasm.

    If you're someone that struggles to say no or feel like you're always putting the needs of others before your own and feel depleted fro...

  • Tired of Being Single

    Tired of being single?

    Afraid that you are destined to die alone because you just haven't found that person that makes the world slip away?

    Do you find yourself worried and thinking that there must be something wrong with you and THAT'S preventing you from finding love?

    Maybe you feel that no ...

  • Letting Go of Relationships

    Sometimes we have to let go, even when we're not ready, even when it wasn't what we wanted or expected, even when it feels like we can't. Other times it feels like a traumatic blow to let go of someone we've loved so much.

    Letting people go can bring up a lot of commotion:
    "Should I reach out...

  • Embracing Loneliness

    The theme of feeling lonely and isolated is a big one. Perhaps there's even an overwhelming sense of sadness bubbling up when you think about how alone you feel in this world.

    Here's to embracing the nuances of what it means to feel lonely, honoring that, and broadening our awareness to realize ...