Group Calls

For those of you that couldn't attend live, I will start posting the recordings here. For those of you that did attend live, feel free to use this as a reference to tap along to in a group setting!

  • Parts Work for Grief

    We all have unique parts, with specific fears, personalities, desires, and needs.

    It's easy to confuse our true Self with these wounded parts when we haven't learned how to untangle them from our core. The magic of this work is when we learn how to identify and work with our parts, finally und...

  • Finding Safety Even with Symptoms

    My goodness do I look forward to meeting as a community.

    This group call is especially potent for those of you trying to feel safe in your body while dealing with chronic symptoms that might be flaring up right now.

    Join us for the entire discussion around the matter, or jump to 1:16 for the ta...

  • Finding Joy When You feel Stuck

    We all fall into loops and stories that intensify feelings of lack, feeling stuck, feeling perpetually like we're not living up to our potential and our dreams.

    In this workshop, we dive into what might be keeping you from enjoying your life fully, and how to skilfully work around any mental bar...

  • Trusting Yourself, People-Pleasing, Releasing Guilt

    We covered a lot in this call!

    -Moving through tough decisions and giving yourself full permission to slow down the process
    -Understanding there is no such thing as a "wrong choice"
    -Honoring people-pleasing tendencies that come from a place of love and learning how to tend to your own needs eve...

  • Permission to Enjoy

    This group workshop starts with some guided visualization work and then flows into conversation about embodiment, choosing the most compassionate path, and ends with a tapping sequence pulling from aspects of the conversation.

    Jump to 1:11 to jump straight into tapping!

  • Food Fears, Digestion, Suffering in Advance, & Working with the Inner Dialogue

    Another lovely group workshop where we flow with what's coming up in the moment.

    Jump to 1:24 for the tapping portion of this call.

  • How to Believe Good Things are Coming

    A more open-ended group call, beginning with some guided visualization yoga nidra-esque work, flowing into conversation, then ending with a tapping sequence. Enjoy!

  • There's nothing wrong with you

    I kid you not, "there's something wrong with me" and 'I'll never heal" were two of my own deeply ingrained stories and they come up every single week in client call.

    You don't have to believe me, but it is possible to fully question and release these stories. You might be surprised to eventuall...

  • Worst Case Scenario & Healing Softly

    I love doing these group calls.

    It's truly an honor to continue unpacking these nuanced experiences that come up on this path of healing.

    Jump ahead to 1:17 for the tapping portion of the call.

    And if you couldn't attend live but have any questions after watching, drop them below!

  • Cultivating Genuine Confidence & Self-Esteem

    Feeling a deep sense of unworthiness and self-doubt not only feels heavy, it's a chronic stressor for the body.

    Yet, we can't just "fake it til' we make it" or pretend we love ourselves if deep down, we do not.

    Let's unpack this as a community. Let's release some of these heavy limiting beliefs...

  • Following Your Own Path with Confidence

    Oh how I love these group workshops.

    Join us for a guided NSDR practice and then a discussion on showing up confidently despite societal and cultural conditioning to feel ashamed or not good enough.

    If you end up listening to the replay, I'd love to hear your takeaways in the comments below.

  • Group workshop: Learn to Tap!

    Here it is! The video you've all been waiting for in which I teach you the basic framework I personally use on myself, with clients, and when I'm gearing up to film any of the tapping sequences you find on this tapping app.

    It might feel a bit awkward at first: that's to be expected! It took me ...

  • Breathwork, Stress Relief, & Releasing Overwhelm

    OOOF, we covered a LOT in this group call.

    I know many of you are feeling confused, stuck, and overwhelmed about what the next step in your healing "should" be or "could" be. You might be so overwhelmed with what is the "right" step that you're feeling absolutely panicked.

    If this is coming up ...

  • Visualizing the Future You

    Join us for a group workshop that dives into incorporating visualization to enhance the brain rewiring work you are currently doing.

    If you enjoy what we cover in this call, you might also find delight in the "Heal While You Walk" and "Golden Light NSDR" meditations.

  • Extended Exhales, Getting Unstuck, Guilt, Gratitude, & Resiliency

    Ever since we started keeping the group workshops a bit more open and flowing, I must admit: they've become that much juicier and actionable!

    Join us for a discussion on everything from breathing, feeling stuck, people pleasing at our own expense, dealing with feelings of guilt, making space for...

  • Celebrating Progress, Unpacking Disappointment, Fatigue, Fear, + Humor

    What a delightful group call colored by your active use of the chat box.

    Going forward, I'll plan to lean on what is coming up for you in the moment, so we can (in real time!) touch on what might be stressing you out, overwhelming your thoughts, and causing you to feel more serious than you'd li...

  • Permission to Feel Good Now

    Join our January group tapping call as we dive into what it means to give ourselves permission to feel the way we want to feel NOW, verus having to wait for life to look a certain way.

    Unlike other calls, we start with tapping, so feel free to use the first portion of this video as a stand alone...

  • Tapping for Body Trust, Ease, & Mobilizing Anger

    This is just the tapping sequence from our group call "Releasing Anger, Trusting Your Body, & Letting it Be Easy."


  • Releasing Anger, Trusting Your Body, & Letting it Be Easy

    I get messages and emails every day from people that are feeling confused, overwhelmed, and stressed out by the conflicting information about what you "should" do to heal.

    Then there's the anger. The rage of having learned the hard way that the medical system is incapable of providing the healt...

  • Parts Work, Turning Toward, & Tending to Ourselves

    If you find yourself with a part (or multiple parts) of yourself that you don't like or wish would just go away... this group call is for you.

    What might it be like to speak to our parts like children, asking them what they need and responding with generosity and love?

    How might that change the...

  • Reframing Healing, Rest, & Releasing Overwhelm

    Here's a recording from our group tapping & somatic experiencing call from September, 2022.

    We start by slowing down and gently coming back to a place of regulation. We then take the time to imagine what our ideal "healthy" version of us might look like and discuss how to easily bring that vis...

  • Trusting the Healing Process

    Having a brain is quite the experience... especially when we notice the majority of our thoughts don't feel helpful or enjoyable. You might find yourself doubting your ability to heal or perhaps you're imagining yourself getting sicker and sicker and never finding the health that you seek.


  • Gut Health and Food Fears

    I fully understand how exhausting it can be to feel like you've been "healing" your gut for so long, only to feel terrified of food and as if you haven't made any progress.

    If you find yourself with a sensitive gut and a complicated relationship with food, this is for you!

    Skip to 1:19 to jump ...

  • FOMO, Comparison, & Loneliness

    Most of us have a constant internal chatter that judges the moment, deciding what is good, what's bad, and for the most part, casting shame, judgement, or doubt on what it is we're doing at any given moment. That same chatter can create stories that make us feel lonely and isolated, like we're m...